Well if you first don't succeed, try, try and try again! Had gotten some second thoughts to the recent sketch of Korra and feeling that it still needed some work. And so, off we go back to the drawing board! *cheers*
Think this is much more pleasing for everyone both for the fact you can tell its Korra part of her face being shown and even the better placement with the hands/fingers. Its not perfect, but its definitely looking improved as compared to before, lol.
Korra © Nickelodeon
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Sexy Sketch - Korra's Goodies
Was feeling a bit rusty lately so wanted to try out a little sexy backside of Korra from the Legend Of Korra!
Wanted to experiment with seeing how the anatomy work would hold up and in terms of trying to nail Korra's look, not sure if things came out looking good or bad. Korra herself lacks alot of those defining features unless your looking at the front of her face, so I did the best that could be done.
There's still some errors with the lines here and there and the hands looks a touch off for some reason, but hey another update is up, booyah!
Korra © Nickelodeon
Friday, December 6, 2013
Sexy Sketch - TentaShy
Hot damn, done and finished this in just a matter of an hour or two! Plus without the mess of the rest of the digital work and even more time to be put into improving the lineart, this is really working out. ^-^
Haven't done a hentai/adult themed pic for some time so do forgive this deviant if some the lines aren't as sharp/sexy. This is Fluttershy from MLP and its based on the start of Season 4 where vile vines are taking over the land. Tentacle ideas were no doubt already on their way after this episode, lol.
Fluttershy/MLP © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Sexy Sketches - Blackfire and Piper Bikinis
Going to point out the obvious in saying its been a while since last updating the blog, derp! And since that time, I might have found a solution to the lackluster speed of these updates!
On most occasions, a single pic like this from sketch to fully digitally detailed takes less then a week to complete. So just so there can more time spent on drawing in general, I'm going to just draw Sexy Sketches from here on in. That's not to say there won't ever be a fully digital pic here ever again. However, this can help speed up the process alot for updating and creating less of a delay from everything.
And finally as for the image itself, this was a lost idea that's been sitting on the art pile for at least 2 years now. Most of it was unfinished and it look quite the opposite of how you see it now. In short, very good warm-up for a rusty drawing hand. Blackfire from Teen Titans (right) and Piper from Storm Hawks (left).
PS - Sorry about the quality on the image. Still figuring out how to scan sketches more properly, lol.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Decisions, Decisions!
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, try and take this pic down now DeviantArt! This was only just an experiment to see how much I improved on overall anatomy, tones and even drawing of feet from a past picture that didn't turn out so awesome.
Also wanted to get a chance to work on more of the Nickelodeon Avatar girls, especiallyn that of Korra and Jin. With Jin I always had the hardest time with her because her hair is so simple and yet its one the most defining things about her look. Korra herself was a blast just as before to draw again and I'm really quite pleased how they both turned out, hope you are too. ^-^
Korra/Jin © Nickelodeon
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Crikey, what's this we got here?! o0o
An update you say, well friends guess the impossible has truly happened, something more than just one post a year, wow!
Well before you get into your celebration party pants, take a gander at Frida Suarez from the Nickelodeon show El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera.
Even though the show itself was very short-lived found its art style and even details for its character to be very creative, colorful and most importantly, fun.
Reason this is a lost sketch because it was drawn during the off-time spent from DA focusing on College. Only managed to get a few things started like the form of the pose and basically as you can see here was trying to attempt some perspective drawing up a sexy Frida with her favorite snack, a churro (a highly recommended item for the sweet tooth lovers out there).
As mentioned before on other posts, because DA is now more than ever looming over my page, it seems rather unlikely this pic will ever be surfaced and completed for that matter. Also thought to include another sketch of Drew Saturday from the Secret Saturday's, who's basically a bombshell MILF, all you need to know. Would in fact like to finish her properly, but alas I haven't the slightest clue where the original drawing went, curses!
Frida Suraez © Nickelodeon
Drew Saturday © Cartoon Network
Sunday, April 7, 2013
DeviantArt Goes Crazy Again
Alright, got a few more that also were removed from the DA. Nothing really adult about them but someone whining about how they fail to see a matured character and see only children, rather funny if you ask me. ^-^
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Keep Looking Midna!
(•_•) it looks like I'm getting a little....
(•_•) it looks like I'm getting a little....
( •_•)>⌐■-■
(⌐■_■) behind in my work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMPAH67f4oSo not to leave anyone high and dry, here's Midna from Zelda : Twilight Princess. Even if you never played the game sure you've at least seen a few pictures of that famous booty of Midna in her Imp Form.
While can/could have this on at DeviantArt, I have it here because it was something of an experiment with trying to figure out perspective (a weakness for any artist). Still having a tough time getting over some of the errors, but I much rather post this and ask for feedback then have it disregarded as a scrap picture entirely. In anycase, please enjoy!
Minda © Nintendo
Ideas To Be Considered
One thing always felt rather bad is with there not being enough adult material being drawn and shared to the blog here. For the most part, I just prefer to remain active on DA for the reasons that be you get more responses from your art and more people are viewing locally then on the blog alone.
So I've come up with the idea of just only doing quick sketches. Perhaps if they are good enough, they can be scanned onto the computer and then cleaned up before being uploaded here. Catch is that I won't be doing the whole shebang with the backgrounds or tone work but we'll see.
As I'm not much for a speedy artist to start with, taking all that time before to draw up an adult pic and then upload it to the blog never felt right. This way, I can still draw something to change things up and it doesn't affect the regular work would be working on for DeviantArt. If anything, its worth a shot! ^-^
So I've come up with the idea of just only doing quick sketches. Perhaps if they are good enough, they can be scanned onto the computer and then cleaned up before being uploaded here. Catch is that I won't be doing the whole shebang with the backgrounds or tone work but we'll see.
As I'm not much for a speedy artist to start with, taking all that time before to draw up an adult pic and then upload it to the blog never felt right. This way, I can still draw something to change things up and it doesn't affect the regular work would be working on for DeviantArt. If anything, its worth a shot! ^-^
Its Something New They Call.... UPDATES!
Okay won't lie right now, pretty much an ass as it remains for not sending even the slightest mention of what's going on with this blog. And yet dammit to hell its just as shocking to this crab to see this page still standing, especially given the widespread use of the Tumbler pages now.
So as mentioned on the previous March 2013 journal post on DeviantArt, going to share any old works of Jenny/XJ9 from My Life As A Teenage Robot at the blog here and if/any new ones that might come along. Rather surprised they haven't gone after the Vega for that matter (another character featured of off a My Life As A Teenage Robot special), which gets me wondering whether if its more the whining of one deviant as opposed to the admins at DeviantArt.
Well, whatever may come, here's the threatened Jenny pieces as well a few extras believe DA ended up removing. A fair warning though, some these pictures are rather......dated in terms of their drawing style.

Jenny Wakeman/XJ9 © Nickelodeon
So as mentioned on the previous March 2013 journal post on DeviantArt, going to share any old works of Jenny/XJ9 from My Life As A Teenage Robot at the blog here and if/any new ones that might come along. Rather surprised they haven't gone after the Vega for that matter (another character featured of off a My Life As A Teenage Robot special), which gets me wondering whether if its more the whining of one deviant as opposed to the admins at DeviantArt.
Well, whatever may come, here's the threatened Jenny pieces as well a few extras believe DA ended up removing. A fair warning though, some these pictures are rather......dated in terms of their drawing style.

Jenny Wakeman/XJ9 © Nickelodeon
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