Hey everybody this Raven pic had to be moved here to the blog as you would have guessed when DA would deem it for being too offensive, it took about a day (quite fast, lol). Anyway here you lot go in case you happened to have missed what was lost on DA, ah well can't win em all. But this was still fun as hell to draw though. *thumbs up*
My fairly tame one got deleted aswell. Since that jam there has been a massive troll session on Raven, seems an alarming number were deleated just recently, thanks to the 14 bis jam drawing too much attention to her, Got her saved before she was removed anyway, though I could collect it here aswell
very bodacious and shiny! Im also surprised this got deleted. While its suggestive, she at least has clothing. dA Nazis!
Mmmm, you did a very nice job on her.
You're certainly improving as well! Keep up the good work.
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